How Does Inmate Transfers Work?

Transferring inmates from one prison to another isn’t as simple as you may think. Inmates are not just placed in any prison facility to serve their sentence, there are due processes that must be followed before an inmate is housed in a prison.

This process is known as “Receiving & Orientation” or “Classification” which is necessary to help to evaluate an inmate when they are first placed in the custody of the Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Which prison an inmate is sentenced to serve for crime(s) committed, is dependent on a number of factors.

They include: the location of crime, the nature of the crime committed (violent, non-violent, drug-related, or sexual), the length of the sentence, the inmate’s custody level, the inmate’s behavior, and tge inmate’s physical and mental health.

Another factor maybe if an inmate is court-ordered to complete a treatment program or work program.

As a result of processes (number of factors) involved in where an inmate is housed, transferring an inmate isn’t easy. Therefore, this blog post will be dedicated to: How to get an inmate transferred.

inmate jail transfer reclassification

This blog post will answer these questions

Why Do Prisoners Get Transferred?

There are general reasons why the Federal Bureau of Prisons or Department of Corrections may transfer an inmate from one prison to another. It could be that the inmate’s custody level may have decreased, the inmate may be a few months away from being released, the inmate’s safety could be at stake, or in the event where the inmate is assigned to a program that’s only offered at a different facility.

Transfers can also be made on a case-by-case basis where the safety and security of the inmates and staff is in question.

Can An Inmate Request Transfer To Another Prison?

The answer is an absolute yes! An inmate can request a prison transfer, however, such a request is not easily granted.

If an inmate wants to be transferred to another facility, they must first file a written request with their case worker for review by the classification committee.

To follow due process, the committee will then speak to the inmate about their request before making recommendations to the warden.

It is the warden who has the ultimate authority to decide whether the request for transfer will be approved or not.

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In the situation where the inmate’s request for transfer is denied, they can file an appeal and solicit help from an organization like the ACLU if the request is based on substandard living conditions.

It’s not also in the position of family members to request for an inmate’s transfer. However, they can write a letter in support of an inmate’s request if the reason for transfer is to be closer to the family.

Most officials you meet at the prison say that visits and consistent communication with family and friends is vital for the rehabilitation process of an inmate. Sadly, they don’t often make decisions to support that claim.

That’s why you will find many inmates in prisons several miles aways from their home, making it nearly impossible for family and friends to visit. Even though inmates can request transfer on the condition to be closer to their family, there’s no guarantee that the requested will be granted.

Federal correctional facilities however, have a “Nearer Release Transfer” option which is specifically created for inmates who desire to be closer with their family.

The “Nearer Release Transfer” can move an inmate closer to his family’s legal residence.

How Long Does It Take To Transfer An Inmate To Another Jail?

The request to transfer an inmate normally takes about a week to get a response from the classification committee. However, it may take longer, as prison processes are never done in a hurry.

When the inmate’s request for transfer is approved, it could take hours or say a week to effect such a request. The time it takes may depend on factors like transportation arrangements and the availability of bed space at the new facility.

An inmate can also be transferred without the knowledge of their family members, but it is necessary to allow the inmate a phone call or letter to their regular visitor to inform them of their transfer.

Unfortunately, inmates aren’t often given such luxury. Thus, if you’re looking to locate what prison your inmate is housed in, you can simply utilize the inmate locator on the BOP website. The same applies for state’s DOC websites, all you need to do is input the inmate’s name and DOC number.

Why do inmates get transferred?

Inmates can get transferred for reasons which include personal requests, safety, proximity to release date, sentencing, prison renovation projects, threat to life, and a lot of other reasons.

How are prisoners transferred?

Prisoners who will be transferred are held at the admissions and discharge unit while the escorting officers work on their transfer paperwork. Once the paperwork is complete, they are led into the escort vehicle, restrained and driven off to their new location.

The property or cell effects of inmates who are on transfer is usually sent across to the new incarceration location and held in storage until the transferred inmate requests for them again.

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What happens to mail when an inmate gets transferred?

If an inmate’s mail arrives after he has been transferred, the mail is forwarded to the inmate’s new prison, processed by the search team at the new facility and then handed over to the inmate.

If an inmate’s mail arrives after an inmate has been released, the email is stamped with a “Return To Sender” mark and sent back to the returning address.

Why do prisoners go to the hole?

Prisoners are sent to the hole as a punishment for violence or difficult attitude. An inmate can also be sent to the hole if they are caught breaking laws which include drug use, trade, smuggling or gang action.

How long do inmates stay in the hole for fighting?

On an average, and inmate may spend between 7 to 30 days in the hole or solitary confinement as punishment for violent behaviour. The number of days served depend a whole lot on the laws governing the facility and the state.

Do jails read inmates mail?

All inmate mails are read while being processed to assess if the message is appropriate for delivery to the inmate or not.

How many pictures can an inmate receive?

You can send as much pictures as you want to an inmate, but they will only be able to receive ten pictures at a time. Inmates are allowed to swap the ten pictures in their possession for another ten.

What happens to people’s bills when they go to jail?

When a person goes to jail, their bills continue to accumulate and compound. This is why most new inmates are offered the opportunity to make as much calls as possible during the early days of their incarceration in order to sort things out.

What is protective custody like in jail?

When an inmate is in protective custody, they are isolated and put in a location where they will not be harmed.

Most people who are put in protective custody include people who commit murder crimes, rapists, child molesters, witnesses to crimes that are still under trial and similar grave offences. They are put in protective custody because as word spreads around, a number of people who feel disgusted may decide to murder them as punishment for their crimes.

2 thoughts on “How Does Inmate Transfers Work?”

  1. I am trying to get my grandson Timothy Ketch transferred back to window me or Charleston me because right now he’s in warren me and he is only on p.o and there are 5 murders that want to stab him they have already attached him in his room so please can someone help him to be transferred I’m his grandmother and I’m 70and won.t want to half to put him in the grown because some killer just wants to have fun so please help thank you

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