Sending A Gift To Someone In Jail | Holiday Package

It’s about that time of the year when I believe you should send your inmate a holiday package at least to spice up their day and show them that you still care no matter the barrier.

You might be asking: what is a holiday package? A holiday package (often referred to as a quarterly package) is a gift package that must be sold by an approved third party vendor which contains assorted items packaged for the inmate to enjoy.

Items in packages such as this include food and snacks, hygiene products, clothing, shoes, jewelry, electronics, games, puzzles, stationary, and even faith related items.

Keep in mind that there’s a limit to the number of items you can send to an inmate as the items are usually restricted to the box size or weight.

how to send gift to prison

Can You Send A Gift To Someone In Prison?

You cannot just purchase items and put them in a box to send to your inmate. No! It will be rejected. Only packages from an approved third party vendor will be allowed into the prison.

All orders have an ordering cutoff date, and if you don’t order within the cutoff date, don’t bother ordering for the inmate as it will also be rejected.

Do All Prisons Accept Gifts For Inmates?

Also note that not all facilities provide room for holiday package programs in their policy, so it is important to ascertain before you order any package.

There are some details to note before you order a package for an inmate, they include: the inmate’s full name, the inmate’s location, and the inmate’s identified number (ID).

How To Find An Inmate Number

You can find the Inmate’s ID number by searching with the Inmate’s name on the facility’s website.

Holiday packages usually take 7-10 working days to be delivered at the institution, but may also take longer depending on how busy the mail room is.

This is common during the holiday season when inmates usually get lots of incoming mails, which in turn must be inspected one after the other and in most cases will run in days.

Another reason that may slow down the package arrival, is if the facility is on a lockdown. In this period, the facility does not receive mail deliveries until the lockdown is lifted.

In a situation where an inmate receives more than one package from two different family members, the second package is likely to be returned and the sender refunded (however it depends on the company).

Let me show you some list of vendors that offer holiday package programs.

What Websites Can Send Gifts To Jail?

I know you’ve been itching to get an answer as to where you can order holiday packages for your inmate. One of such vendors in the forefront is Access Securepak. They provide quarterly/holiday packages to the following states: 

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Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia.

Another vendor also trailing behind Access Securepak in the provision of quarterly/holiday packages to inmates is Union Supply Direct. They provide services to the following states:

Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin.

Do you know any other vendor that offers holiday package services, let us know and share your experience in the comment section below

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